Friday, February 26, 2010

Does it Count?

I was very young.

I trusted.

I was violated.

Life went on.

If it happened only once, does it count?


I was a teenager.

A family member.

It stopped.

I am an adult.

It started again.

It comes and goes.

Is it enough to count?


Holiday costumes for adults.

Any conductor, power engineer, pilot or the driver of the happiest moments of his life recalls what he dreamed of being in adolescence. Someone wanted to become a Captain, who is a Champion, and others wanted to become a fairy heroes and give people happiness and joy, as Hoop Clown Adult Costume.

Every adult soldier, bookseller, educator as a child wanted to be a Naughty Noel or the Cowboys. He still remembers how his mother on a holiday to dress in costume Green Pixie or a Fireman and he felt the most beautiful in the world. And, as an adult he comes to the carnival to stay a child again.

To celebrate the wonderful days you always want to attract attention, to become the most beautiful and best in the world. And this is the most opportune time for the transfiguration in the Mermaid Queen or Pink Princess, and maybe now you like Miss Winter Wonderland Adult Costume. Carnival costumes will make you feel unique and the only ones to feel the attention of others and to experience the admiring glances.


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Cateva lucruri despre tine

In caz ca nu stiai :)

  • Persoanele care fumeaza un pachet de tigari pe zi beau, practic, o ceasca de tar pe an.
  • Oamenii sunt singurele animale capabile sa traseze o linie dreapta.
  • ADN-ul unui om contine 80.000 de gene.
  • Asa cum amprentele digitale sunt unice, amprenta limbii fiecarei persoane este diferita fata de celelalte.
  • Un adult are mai putine oase in organism decat un copil. Ne incepem viata cu 350 de oase dar, pentru ca anumite oase se unesc in timpul cresterii, la maturitate mai avem doar 206.
  • Chiar daca nu este la fel de sensibil precum cel al unui caine, nasul uman poate percepe pana la 50.000 de mirosuri diferite.
  • Acizii digestivi prezenti in stomacul uman sunt atat de puternici incat pot dizolva zincul si coroda otelul. Din fericire pentru noi, celulele din mucoasa gastrica a stomacului se innoiesc la maxim 3-4 zile, nelasand timp acizilor sa le dizolve.
  • Un plaman uman contine peste 300.000 de milioane de vase capilare. Daca aceasta ar fi puse cap la cap, s-ar intinde pe o distanta de 2400 de kilometri.
  • Testiculele unui barbat produc 10 milioane de spermatozoizi in fiecare zi – suficent cat acesta sa poata repopula planeta in doar sase luni.
  • Oasele umane sunt le fel de rezistente precum granitul. Un os de marimea unei cutii de chibrituri poate suporta presiunea unui bloc de 9 tone – de patru ori mai mult decat poate suporta betonul.
  • Cel mai mare organ al corpului uman este pielea. Ea poate acoperi, in cazul unui adult, o suprafata de 1,9 metri patrati. De asemenea, in timpul vietii unui om, acesta pierde pana la 18 kilograme de piele moarta.
  • Cand doarme, un om creste in medie cu 8 milimetri, pentru ca dimineata sa revina la inaltimea initiala. Motivul este simplu… forta gravitationala care actioneaza asupra cartilagiilor.
  • Un om consuma, in medie, 50 de tone de mancare si bea circa 50.000 de litri de lichide de-a lungul vietii.
  • Muschii unui ochi se misca de circa 100.000 de ori pe zi. Pentru a ne imagina ce inseamna acest lucru, ganditi-va ca echivalentul unui asemenea efort pentru muschii picioarelor inseamna un traseu de 80 de kilometri in fiecare zi.
  • In 30 de minute, corpul uman degaja suficienta caldura incat sa poate fierbe 3,5 litri de apa.
  • O picatura de sange are nevoie de numai 30 de secunde pentru a face un circuit complet al corpului uman.
  • Ochiul uman percepe doar 90% dintre informatiile pe care le primeste.
  • Ovarele contin aproximativ jumatate de milion de ovule. Cu toate acestea, doar 400 dintre ele vor avea ocazia de a da nastere unei noi vieti.
  • Fiecare centimetru patrat de piele contine cel putin 32 de milioane de bacterii. Din fericire, cele mai multe dintre ele sunt inofensive.
  • Numai picioarele contin peste 500.000 de glande sudoripare, glande care pot elimina pana la jumate de litru de transpiratie pe zi.
  • Viteza cu care aerul este eliminat in timpul unui stranut este de cel putin 160 de kilometri pe ora.
  • In timpul unei vieti, un om poate produce pana la 24.000 de litri de saliva, suficient cat pentru a umple doua piscine olimpice.
  • Un om poate rezista pana la 40 de zile fara mancare, 6 zile fara apa si 6 minute fara aer. De asemenea, el nu poate rezista, in mod normal, fara sa doarma mai mult de 11 zile.
  • Capul unui copil cantareste cat un sfert din greutatea corpului acestuia. La maturitate, capul reprezinta doar a opta parte din greutatea trupului.
  • Unghiile de la degetele mainilor cresc, in medie, de sase ori mai repede decat cele ale picioarelor.
  • Aproximativ 50.000 de celule din corpul tau au murit si au fost inlocuite chiar in timp ce citesti acest articol. Scheletul tau este unul nou la fiecare trei luni si ai o piele noua in fiecare luna.
  • Fiecare centimetru patrat din pielea ta contine 6 metri de vase de sange, 3,5 metri de nervi, 1300 de celule nervoase, 100 de glande sudoripare si 3 milioane de celule.
  • Pentru a te incrunta, esti nevoit sa folosesti 43 de muschi ai fetei. Pentru a zambi nu ai nevoie decat de 17.
  • Din cele 206 oase ale corpului uman, mai mult de jumate din ele se afla in maini si picioare.
  • Inima unui om bate de aproximativ 3 miliarde de ori in timpul vietii acestuia.
  • Aorta este cel mai mare vas sanguin din corpul uman. In cazul unui om adult, ea are diametrul unui furtun de gradina. La polul opus se afla capilarele. Acestea sunt atat de subtiri incat este nevoie de 10 astfel de vase, puse unul langa altul, pentru a egala grosimea unui fir de par.
  • Orice persoana pierde, in medie, 100 de fire de par pe zi si peste 10 miliarde de particule de piele moarta.
  • Ochiul uman este capabil sa distinga aproximativ 1 milion de culori diferite si sa obtina mai multe informatii decat cel mai performant telescop construit vreodata.
  • Atunci cand atingi un obiect, semnalul circula prin corp, prin intermediul nervilor, cu peste 200 de kilometri pe ora.
  • Un om inspira si expira de circa 23.000 de ori pe zi.
  • Locul in care parul uman creste cel mai repede este barba. Daca nu ar fi taiata periodic, o barba ar putea atinge pana la 10 metri lungime.
  • In prima luna de viata, un copil invata atat de multe lucruri incat sinapsele din creierul sau cresc de la 50 de trilioane la 1 quadrilion. Daca si corpul sau s-ar dezvolta cu aceeasi viteza, copilul ar cantari 77 de kilograme dupa numai o luna de viata.
  • Stomacul unui adult poate cuprinde pana la 1,5 litri de hrana.
  • Unghiile si parul sunt alcatuite din aceeasi substanta… cheratina.
  • Degetele mari de la picioare sunt unele dintre cele mai importante structuri ale corpului nostru. Datorita acestor degete, un om isi poate pastra pozitia verticala si isi poate mentine echilibrul.
  • Barbatii mai scunzi de 1,28 metri si femeile mai scunde de 1,18 centimetri sunt considerati pitici.
  • Fiecare om isi indoaie degetele de 25 de milioane de ori intr-o viata.
  • Marimea inimii unui om este egala cea cea a propriului sau pumn.
  • Creierul uman genereaza intr-o zi mai multe impulsuri eletrice decat toate telefoanel mobile din lume la un loc.
  • In corpul fiecaruia dintre noi traiesc bacterii a caror greutate insumata ar atinge cifra de 2 kilograme.


Having Coffee

Four Catholic men and a Catholic woman were having coffee.

The first Catholic man tells his friends, "My son is a priest, when he walks into a room, everyone calls him ‘Father’."

The second Catholic man chirps, "My son is a Bishop. When he walks into a room people call him ‘Your Grace’."

The third Catholic gent says, "My son is a Cardinal. When he enters a room everyone says ‘Your Eminence’."

The fourth Catholic man then says, "My son is the Pope. When he walks into a room people call him ‘Your Holiness’."

Since the lone Catholic woman was sipping her coffee in silence, the four men give her a subtle, "Well….?"

She proudly replies, "I have a daughter, slim, tall, 38D breast, 24" waist and 34" hips. When she walks into a room, people say, "Oh My God."


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

New carnival costumes for adults.

Any conductor, energy, the captain or cosmonaut in the happiest moments of his life recalls what he wanted to be in his youth. Someone wanted to be Captain, who is a Police, and others dreamed of a fairy-tale heroes and give all the happiness and joy, as Hoop Clown Adult Costume.

Any adult soldier, teacher, doctor of a child dreamed of being a Fireman or Cowboys. He still remembers how at the feast of his mother dressed in a suit or Detective Green Pixie and he felt the most beautiful in the world. And, as an adult, he dresses up as a carnival, to feel again like a child.

To celebrate the fun day and now we want to attract attention, to be the most beautiful and best in the world. And this is the right time for the transfiguration in Neverland Fairy or Pink Princess, and perhaps now, you like Miss Winter Wonderland Adult Costume. Festive costumes will help you become unique and the only ones to attract the attention of others and catch on itself admiring glances.


Friday, February 12, 2010

Gay, bisexual teens at risk for eating disorders

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Gay, lesbian and bisexual teenagers may be at higher risk of binge-eating and purging than their heterosexual peers, starting as early as age 12, a new study finds.


Past research has found connections between sexual orientation and the risk of eating disorders in adults — showing, for instance, that gay men have higher rates of symptoms than their heterosexual counterparts.

Less has been known about how sexual orientation affects teenagers’ risks of various eating disorders.

For the new study, researchers at Harvard University and Children’s Hospital Boston used data from a U.S. survey of nearly 14,000 12- to 23-year-olds to look at the relationship between sexual orientation and binge-eating and purging.

They found heightened rates of binge-eating among both males and females who identified themselves as gay, lesbian, bisexual or “mostly heterosexual.”

Purging, by vomiting or abusing laxatives, was also more common among these teens, the researchers report in the Journal of Adolescent Health.

“We found clear and concerning signs of higher rates of eating disorder symptoms in sexual-minority youth compared to their heterosexual peers even at ages as young as 12, 13 or 14 years old,” lead researcher S. Bryn Austin, an assistant professor of pediatrics, told Reuters Health in an email.

Among females, lesbian, bisexual and mostly heterosexual respondents were all about twice as likely as their heterosexual counterparts to report binge-eating at least once per month in the past year.

Bisexual and mostly heterosexual girls and women were also more likely to say they had purged in the past year in order to control their weight.

Among males, the highest risks were seen among homosexuals — who were seven times more likely to report bingeing and nearly 12 times more likely to report purging than heterosexual males.

Bisexual and mostly heterosexual boys and men also had elevated risks of both problems — with rates anywhere from three to seven times higher than those of their heterosexual counterparts.

The survey data do not offer a potential reason for the findings, but past studies give some insight, according to the researchers.

“We know that gay, lesbian, and other sexual-minority kids are often under a lot of pressure,” Austin said, noting that these teens are often “treated like outsiders” in their own families and schools, and may be excluded, harassed or victimized by bullies.

“This kind of isolation and victimization can take its toll on a young person,” Austin explained, “and one of ways it can play out is in vulnerability to eating-disorder symptoms and a host of other stress-related health problems.”

She added that because negative attitudes and discrimination against sexual minorities are still pervasive in society, families need to be a source of support.

It is “incredibly important,” Austin said, “for parents and other family members to reach out and make sure these youth know they are loved and supported, that they can count on their families to stay by their side.”

SOURCE: Journal of Adolescent Health, September 2009.


Friday, February 5, 2010

Have A Screaming O! On Us.

The Screaming O is a US based sex toy company, with a slightly irreverent take on an already irreverent subject.  Their tag line is “Millions And Millions of Orgasms Sold”

We have just got in stock the Screaming O Octopus.  This is a cute little Octopus shaped jelly vibrator.  It has a little bullet in it and can be used as a clit teaser or a nipple stimulator.   They feel pretty good anywhere!

Battery life is about 80 minutes of continuous vibration, so it won’t last for a real marathon session, but an hour and twenty minutes is enough for most people!

They normally retail for $59.95, but we have them in store for $23.00!  A bargain!

We also have two to give away!

How do you enter?

Well, if you have purchased anything from us since the first of February, you are already in the draw.  Purchases get you an entry up until 5.00pm February 14th.

If you tweet the following, you will go into the draw:  Have a Screaming O compliments of @cheapsextoysnz They are giving them away!

Or thirdly, tell us why you want one in the comments of this blog.

Three ways to enter!!  Sounds like my kinda competition!!

You can enter as many times as you like, all entries will be put into a hat and drawn by me, my decision is final.

We will draw the winners on Valentines Day, at 6.00pm local time and announce the winners on this blog on the 15th.  We will keep you anonymous, and use first name or twitter name only.

Overseas entries are welcome, with the stipulation that if there is a winner outside New Zealand they will have to pay the postage.

Get entering!



No Complaints, Only Moans


Monday, February 1, 2010

Helping Susan-Part 2

The next morning I woke up with a wonderful feeling between my legs. When I opened my eyes, I saw Susan’s hand on my pussy, fondling gently. She smiled and said, “My turn to do something nice for you. Now spread your legs.” I did, and she knelt between them, using her tongue lovingly where her fingers had been.

Susan’s tongue accomplished its goal and I soon came, soaking her face in my juice as she continued to lick after the first orgasm until I had a second one. When I had calmed down I suggested that we shower together, and we had fun sudsing and rinsing each other.

A trip downtown took us to a restaurant for a nice brunch and then to a favorite women’s clothing store. I asked a clerk who is a special friend to show Susan what they had in the maternity department. Emily used her quite-literal special touches as she helped Susan position one thing and another against her body, checking for fit. At first, Susan looked at me, questioning, and I just winked.

We took Susan’s purchases home and on the way she complimented Emily’s “personal approach.” I laughed and told Susan I always enjoyed shopping there.

Once we were home, Susan said she had better leave, but I told her I wanted to do one more thing and that she should strip and get on the bed on hands and knees. She did so. In a few minutes I returned to the room, naked except for the strapon protruding from my body.

I knelt behind Susan, fondling her pussy with my right hand and her left tit with my left hand until slick wetness oozed from her slit. Then I mounted her, thrusting the strapon deep.

I always enjoy fucking a woman doggy-style with my strapon. It’s especially good with a pregnant woman, making her belly and breasts sway with my thrusts. It was so good with Susan!

After she came three times, Susan asked me to please stop or she wouldn’t have the strength to drive home. We had a less-sexy mutual shower, and she dressed. She kissed me goodbye and thanked me profusely, then left.

I went back to bed and pleasured myself, reflecting over the past two days.


The 8th Day xxx




