As a child, I always thought to myself that adults must have more things to do in their list of resolutions than a child like myself. This was because I normally saw loads of faults in the adult behaviour and way of life. It was kind of difficult to understand why contrary to my self hypothesis as a child, that they actually either had just a couple of mere things on the list or non at all. Asking them about it and being confronted with the afore said reality was one of the mysteries of adult-life that I was not empathizing with at all. I just could not get how they could start off a completely New Year with not even one single thing to change in their lifestyle or in their character.
However, now that I am an adult myself their attitude towards resolutions and list is hitting me hard. It is the first year that I would too have an empty list. It is just that I find nothing in my life or character that requires amending in any way. In fact, I am happy and quite thankful for the way I am as an adult and an individual in the society. In no regard, am I even by a millimeter hesitant about myself in the eyes of the rest of the world. So I am the perfect adult figure that we all try to become from child-hood!
As a consequence, of having touched both lands of childhood and adulthood I can draw a very hypothetical conclusion from both my experiences. Well as a child one sees a much more clearer picture of oneself, that is how a child improves and becomes better and better on a daily basis.
But, childhood is just like sand-papering the handles of the most extravagant and exquisite piece of wooden furniture. One uses the sand-paper on the handles till the perfect look and soft touch is achieved. Since adulthood is the result of this entire time consuming act of removing the unwanted rough patches on the furniture and the dust accumulated as a result of the procedure is the experience treasured then obviously its hard to see much fault. Unless the unfortunate furniture has a broken leg or a spillage of some sort on its beautifully tailored and comfortably cushioned material there is hardly a naive chance to realize its misplacement in the new dinning room which is now serving as its new community.
Only the wise do have a look at themselves from the eyes of an onlooker in comparison to the rest of the furnitures present. Judgment and self doubt turn out to become harder as we age while an immediate judgment of even a passer by is one of the simplest things in our adult lives.
Thus, no matter how perfect you are as an adult, do step back today and look at your life from a totally different angle and give yourself the gift in this New Year to reflect upon what you have done so far in your life as a person rather than just being a beautifully, decorated and well taken cared of piece of furniture.
Once in a while even furnitures need a bit of fixing and cleaning so do we as humans on Mother Earth! Hence, I shall make my list today too for probably there is loads of space for improvement in my personality as well!
Good luck to all my readers and a happy New Year!
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